“Poetry is the Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Feelings” – William Wordsworth

Pretty.Jash.Katha® [Pretty Rich Story]


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Knowledgeable as in intelligent and well informed
Affectionate as in having or displaying warmth or affection
Versatile as in embracing a variety  of subjects, fields, or skills
Impeccable as in free from fault or blame; flawless

Seductive as in tempting and attractive; enticing.
Heavenly as in very pleasing; wonderful; of heaven; divine.
Amorous as in expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
Virtuous as in having or showing high moral standards
Imaginative as in having or showing creativity or inventiveness

Debonair as in having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
Outspoken as in frank in stating one’s opinions
Truthful as in telling or expressing the truth; honest

Captivating as in capturing interest as if by a spell
Opulent as in rich and luxurious or lavish
Memorable as in worth remembering; notable

Sandeep Narayan Tripathi

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